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Comments for

By System @system
    2022-01-12 20:19:36.822Z
    1. R
      Randall Young @RandoSY
        2022-01-12 20:19:36.914Z

        Do you have a avrdude command that resets the DWEN debug wire fuse to disarm debug-wire debugging? I'm using the Xplained-mini 328p to test the Insight features in Bloom, and your command was slightly modified to set DWEN in this way ...

        avrdude -c xplainedmini -p atmega328p  -P usb -U hfuse:w:0x9A:m
        1. LLief Koepsel @lkoepsel
            2022-01-14 12:48:10.179Z

            Sorry about the delay, I’m not at my desk and won’t be for another week.

            First, have you seen this discussion on Bloom?
            Would it help resolve your question?

            I don’t have anything specific right now, as I just started working with the XPLAINED board. If you still have questions In a week, ping me again and I’ll work on it.

            Thanks, Lief

            1. RRandall Young @RandoSY
                2022-02-04 22:01:22.049Z

                Thanks for the link, Bloom is quite a find. I love your site!!!